Welcome to SportSoftware online!

On SportSoftware online, you will find everything about my software which I had developed for organising sports events. In the orienteering sport, my software is well-known and used all over the world.
Click on the picture if you want to know more about me.
Stephan Krämer
New! OE12!

Some basic highlights of the SportSoftware V12

Modern UI

Windows panel

Improved layout editor

OE12 Live results
Live results panel

You can compose a panel with live results and display it with a single mouseclick

Chip Reader

Read chips wirelessly!

OEScore V12
NEW! OEScore V12

New in V12!

Rogaining fully supported


Improved team handling



Late start management

Automatic upload of radio punches

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OE2010 V.11.0 and OS2010 V.11.0 Updates

These are new updates for the registered OE2010 and OS2010 users.
The main work for me for this release was dealing with the chip systems. For SportIdent, I have implemented the newest status of their API. In detail this means the internal handling of the newer SICards 8/9/10/11/SIAC. For Emit, the the touch-free EmiTag system is supported now. EmiTag can be used as a full touch-free chip system, which is allowed for MTBO and SkiO, as well as an additional system for radio punches and time taking only, which is used for FootO.
Another basic improvement had been done with the layout of the html output. Now there is a jump list in the browser window where you can click on the class resp. club which you want to view.
There are more small enhancements in both applications and of course all known bugs had been fixed.

Use the Check for updates function in OE2010/OS2010 to download the new setups, the additional PDF handbooks and the translated help files. Of course you could also click on the Downloads button at the right to get them.
As usual, the download works as trial version as long as you don’t have a valid OE2010/OS2010 license.
Updates can be ordered through the Online shop (use the button at the right) or from the author directly.

OEScore V.11.0 Update

In addition to the common improvements, there are important new features especially in OEScore.
With the Rules, you can now define a minimum point value which a competitor must have collected before he will be able to earn bonus points for finishing below the time limit.
As this is traditional Score O rules, penalties and credits had been given by minutes so far. Now you have the possibility to define intervals different to 1 minute with a resolution of seconds. Also, the time bands can be defined by seconds now.

Use the Check for updates function in OEScore to download the new setups, the additional PDF handbooks and the translated help files. Of course you could also click on the Downloads button at the right to get them.
As usual, the download works as trial version as long as you don’t have a valid OEScore license.
Updates can be ordered through the Online shop (use the button at the right) or from the author directly.

OEHeats V.11.0 Update

Also OEHeats had been updated with the general improvements of the html output.
Use the Search for updates function in OEHeats to download the new setup.