ChipReader and PunchRecorder updates

The ChipReader for Android has been improved, so that you can use the app also in landscape format now. This is good for tablets. You can load this update from the Google Play Store.

In the Online Punch Recorder I have added a second server box. You can send the punches to the first receiver (which must always be active) and optionally to a second receiver. This works in the same way like the first one.
Click on the Downloads button to get it.

Improvements of the main applications

OE12 and OS12 V.12.1 have got some important improvements.
The new Czechian live results service is supported now. This service is similar to the well-known LiveResultat. It has a very easy-to-use web UI and publishing results there is free. All upload functions can be run directly out of OE12 and OS12. Both programs also support the radio punches of the OResults Bluebox which can be downloaded with the speaker client web function. There are some important enhancements implemented with the handling of radio punches and radio controls. The automatic detection of SportIdent and Emit devices has been improved decisively. The speaker client monitor functions can now detect when the speaker server is available again after a communication break. They will resend unsent punches automatically then.
In OE12 the handling of the Chip system options at multidays had been simplified.

OEScore V.12.1 does not have web services and online functions implemented. So the only new feature here is the improved automatic detection of SportIdent and Emit devices.

The Online Punch Recorder has received all the improvements of the Speaker client functions of OE12/OS12. This  allows a nearly operator-free operation of this application.

OE12, OS12, and OEScore will detect this update automatically. You can also use the Check for updates function in all applications to download the new setup. Of course you could also click on the Downloads button to get it.
As usual, the download works as trial version as long as you don’t have a valid V12 license. Updates or new licenses can be ordered through the Online shop or from the author directly.

Online Punch Recorder published

Using the new SportSoftware Online Punch Recorder app for Windows, you can record radio punches from devices connected to a COM port. Actually it is a standalone Speaker Online Client Monitor which works in exactly the same way like the so named functions in OE12/OS12.

For more details, see the description of this free software.
You can download the Online Punch Recorder from the download page and install it.