Welcome to SportSoftware online!

On SportSoftware online, you will find everything about my software which I had developed for organising sports events. In the orienteering sport, my software is well-known and used all over the world.
Click on the picture if you want to know more about me.
Stephan Krämer
New! OE12!

Some basic highlights of the SportSoftware V12

Modern UI

Windows panel

Improved layout editor

OE12 Live results
Live results panel

You can compose a panel with live results and display it with a single mouseclick

Chip Reader

Read chips wirelessly!

OEScore V12
NEW! OEScore V12

New in V12!

Rogaining fully supported


Improved team handling



Late start management

Automatic upload of radio punches

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The SportSoftware and Windows 8

The SportSoftware V11 is perfectly prepared for Win8. Since the SportSoftware applications are desktop office applications, it is best to have them running on the Win8 desktop.
For the older SportSoftware V10, there is the same restriction which you have since Windows Vista and Win7. Since the V10 has its event data saved in subfolders of the program folder, you have to install it into a private folder instead of the default C:\programs\… folder.
So Win8 is one more reason to update to V11 for those who did not do so yet…

OE2010 V.11.0 and OS2010 V.11.0 Updates

These are new updates for the registered OE2010 and OS2010 users. The most important improvements are common to both applications.
There had been reported problems in networks with Win7 and WinServer 2008 from large competitions. Together with some experienced users, mainly the organisers of Fin5 and WMOC 2012, I digged deeper into the problem. As a result, I have added a new chapter in the help file about our findings how the performance can be improved in such networks at large competitions. For organisers of large events it is highly recommended to study this topic and decide what to do. For all OE2010/OS2010 users it is necessary to install this update since the setup introduces some new registry settings which improve the reliablility of the data processing in busy environments.
All applications now support the new IOF XML V3 standard which had been released this year, for imports and exports of entries, start lists, results and the archive. Users may investigate whether any 3rd party where they exchange data with, already supports the new standard. If yes, then the XML V3 export format should be preferred against the older XML V2 and the CSV format. There are some more functional improvements in both programs, f.ex. a better handling of some multiday specific functions or a performance improvement of result reports. The Swedish translation of OS2010 had been reviewed and improved.
Of course all known bug feedbacks had been solved in both applications.
As usual, the download works as trial version as long as you don’t have a valid OE2010/OS2010 license. You can download them from the download page. Additional printable PDF handbooks as well as (so far) the German, Swedish and Finnish help files can be obtained from the special Version11 download page. Updates can be ordered through the online shop or from the author directly.

EventorManager V.11.0 Update

EventorManager now does all data exchange with Eventor using the IOF XML V3 standard. There are new functions to upload start and result lists for relay competitions. Swedish users are obliged to always use the latest version of EventorManager. You can download the setup from the Swedish support page.