For its IOF championships the IOF prescribes the use of two touchfree chips, this is SIAC with SportIdent and EmiTag with Emit. Every competitor must wear them at the same arm. When downloading in the finish, it is demanded that if the first chip is missing punches, the second chip must be examined. If a missing punch is found on the second chip, this has to be added to the first chip so that the competitor gets a valid result. All of this must happen very quickly in the finish, so that no wrong live results will appear anywhere.
Now OE12 and OS12 provide the perfect and automatic solution for this IOF rule. The additional chip numbers can be edited, imported or downloaded for the entries. Both chips can be included in entries and start list reports, so that every competitor will get the right chips.
When downloading the chip and the code checking finds a missing punch, then the operator is prompted to download the additional chip of this competitor. OE12/OS12 do a possible merging automatically. Both chips will be saved and assigned to the competitor. So this is documented in the event data. For radio punches the additional chips are also supported.
In Evaluate chips the visualization of missing butterfly punches has been improved. There is a new option for results available. Now nced competitors wo should not be ranked officially can be sorted into the list. In the SportIdent settings individual classes can be selected for using the start punch.
Also some bugs have been fixed.
OE12 and OS12 will detect this update automatically. You can also use the Check for updates function in both applications to download the new setup. Of course you could also click on the Downloads button to get it.
As usual, the download works as trial version as long as you don’t have a valid V12 license. Updates or new licenses can be ordered through the Online shop or from the author directly.