This time many small but important functional user wishes for OE12 have been implemented. Many of them are basic features which are valid for all main applications.
Among others, there are improvements in working with Voided legs, the XML exports of teams, an extended space for the comment fields in Chip evaluation, new user definable competitor classifiers, a maximum time, start list draw and the automatic uploads to web services.
As usual, a number of small bugs have been fixed also.
This is a short summary of a long list which you can read in the release notes after you installed the update.
OS12, OEScore V.12.1 and OEHeats V.12.1 have been updated accordingly.
OE12, OS12, OEScore and OEHeats will detect this update automatically. You can also use the Check for updates function in all applications to download the new setup. Of course you could also click on the Downloads button to get it.
As usual, the download works as trial version as long as you don’t have a valid V12 license. Updates or new licenses can be ordered through the Online shop or from the author directly.