I have done much work on OE12 V.12.1.
The most important new feature is the event wide timekeeping accuracy. This defines the time format by which start and finish times must be calculated. This setting is central for the whole event. Formerly this had to be defined as the time format in each singular working form which calculates start/finish times, f.ex. Read chips or Evaluate chips and more. This lead to mistakes if those forms were working on different PCs in the network. Now the format settings in these forms are strictly for display only. Also, formerly the automatic recalculation computed the start and finish punches of the chips only. Now this recalculation computes also the online finish times from the time taking system and the online punches. As a side effect, this allows to use OE12 with SportIdent or Emit chips for time taking on non-O competitions without the need to download the chips in the finish.
Another main focus of my work was the support of the Swiss entry and result portal ol-events.ch under the Web main menu item. You can download classes and entries, as well as upload radio control definitions, start lists and (live) results directly out of OE12. As a special feature, preferred start times or start blocks can be specified on ol-events.ch and they can be included by option in the entries download. So far this portal offers its services in Switzerland only, but there are plans to expand internationally.
I have also done much on the support of the Emit chip system. There are many small improvements and some bug fixes of basic handling procedures.
Finally I worked through a long list of bug reports from OE2010 V11. Many of them had already been solved by the new technical level of OE12. I solved most of the others from this list.
OEScore V.12.1 has been updated accordingly. However, all new features which have to do with Speaker and Web functions are not included in OEScore. If anybody is using one of the supported web entry portals for Rogaining or other score O competitions, then please tell me that. The Web functions could easily be activated in OEScore also.
OE12 and OEScore will detect this update automatically. You can also use the Check for updates function in OE12 and OEScore to download the new setup. Of course you could also click on the Downloads button to get it.
As usual, the download works as trial version as long as you don’t have a valid OE12 or OEScore V12 license. Updates or new licenses can be ordered through the Online shop or from the author directly.