These are new updates for the registered OE2010, OS2010 and OEScore users.
I spent some work together with the author of the Swedish LiveResults service, to improve the interaction between OE/OS2010 and this service. In OE2010 you find an additional point scoring algorithm which will be used at the Welsh Croeso 5days this year for the first time. There was a problem with the Windows Magnification on some high DPI Win10 machines, which had been fixed for all applications. There are some more small improvements with the entries handling which are common to all three main applications. All known bugs had been fixed.
Use the Check for updates function in OE2010/OS2010/OEScore to download the new setups, the additional PDF handbooks and the translated help files. Of course you could also click on the Downloads button at the right to get them.
As usual, the download works as trial version as long as you don’t have a valid OE2010/OS2010/OEScore license.
Updates can be ordered through the Online shop (use the button at the right) or from the author directly.