SportSoftware V.11.0 Updates

This time, all SportSoftware applications had been updated: OE2010, OS2010, OEScore and OEHeats.
There was one general issue which I had to face and solve for all applications: the Windows Magnification. This meant that I had to check out every single window in all my applications how it behaves with magnification.  Unfortunately, this consumed so much time that I could not (yet…) implement everything what is on the wish list. Read more details about the hassle with magnification in the post below.
There are more small enhancements especially in OE2010 and of course all known bugs had been fixed.

Use the Check for updates function in each application to download the new setups, the additional PDF handbooks and the translated help files. Of course you could also click on the Downloads button at the right to get them.
As usual, the download works as trial version as long as you don’t have a valid license of the application.
Updates can be ordered through the Online shop (use the button at the right) or from the author directly.

The Windows Magnification

With the Windows magnification of Windows Vista/7/8 you can scale your screen output so that it will become better readable. Nowadays this feature is often used at new notebooks with 15″ monitors and high resolutions which formerly had been available for 24″ monitors only. But then some windows of the SportSoftware got puzzled.
See some examples here:
OEHeats main form

Here the input fields for the events had been enlarged too much to the right and the buttons to select the events were no longer accessible. The right picture shows the correct appearance.
Other examples are the ordinary error dialog:
or the manual input of finish times:

The basic problem is that in forms with a fixed layout (like input forms with fields) Windows is not able to scale all objects correctly which are aligned to the bottom and/or the right margin. I had to fix that with my own code.
Also, for the better readability, Windows had introduced a new default font with Windows 8.
Now the SportSoftware scales everything in the right way and it will use the customized default font if there is a magnification higher than 100%.