Welcome to my new web site!

Today SportSoftware online had been relaunched.
I hope you all enjoy it!

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Anyone may subscribe to the RSS feed. Registered users will be notified by the newsletter as usual when there is a new release of the SportSoftware. But in future there may be additional messages on this blog only between the releases.
If you received the RSS feed and not my newsletter (which may contain additional exclusive information for SportSoftware users) at some time, then there may be something wrong with your email address. Please have a look at the lost addresses page in this case.

OE2010 V.11.0 and OS2010 V.11.0 Updates

These are new updates for the registered OE2010 and OS2010 users. This time I had added two basic features which had been on the wish list for a long time.
All reports have a new feature now: print to PDF. Now you can print the reports directly into PDF files.
The other new function is Check for updates. Now you can check for updates and download them directly from the application. Normally the setup and the translated help files and PDF handbooks will be offered.
As usual, the download works as trial version as long as you don’t have a valid OE2010/OS2010 license. Click on the Downloads button at the right to get them. For the additional printable handbooks and translated help files, please do not hesitate do use the new Check for updates function! It will display all available translations. You can download them and they will be installed into OE2010/OS2010 automatically. Of course they are also still available at the Version11 download page.
Updates can be ordered through the Online shop (use the button at the right) or from the author directly.

The SportSoftware and Windows 8

The SportSoftware V11 is perfectly prepared for Win8. Since the SportSoftware applications are desktop office applications, it is best to have them running on the Win8 desktop.
For the older SportSoftware V10, there is the same restriction which you have since Windows Vista and Win7. Since the V10 has its event data saved in subfolders of the program folder, you have to install it into a private folder instead of the default C:\programs\… folder.
So Win8 is one more reason to update to V11 for those who did not do so yet…